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產品類別: Clarify the Investigation Scope

Clarify the Investigation Scope

Date,: 2018-04-18
Page Views: 68

Clarify the investigation scope is to identity whether a specific product is covered by anti-dumping order; products not subject to the scope can be excluded by conducting such reviews. After US Department of Commerce issues anti-dumping orders on products from China, Many Chinese exporters may encounter chain problems, such as, uncertainty of whether his products should be covered by the scope or not, and thus they dare not to export to US; exporters judge that their products do not fall in the scope according to scope description, but these products are subject to anti-dumping duties when clearing customs in America. For these problems, Huamei can represent Chinese exporters to request special scope clarification reviews to US Department of Commerce, thus help them to identity whether their products should be covered or excluded from the scope, and then help them to clear the way for export. 

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