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Documents Translation

Date,: 2018-05-02
Page Views: 54

We can provide the following categories of documents related with anti-dumping cases (Chinese-English/ English-Chinese):Financial documents: Financial Statements, Audit Report, Capital Verification Report, Accounts Matching Files, Bank Receipt of Exchange Settlement,Receipt/Accounting Voucher, etc.Legal documents: Business License, The Registration Form for Foreign Trade Manager (approval certificate of export), Articles of Association(Amendment to the Articles of Association), Resolutions of Board of Shareholders/ Board of Directors, Letter of Appointment, Contract, Legal Provisions related with anti-dumping cases, etc.Documents related with subject products: documents related with production and sales of export enterprises, such as: documents related with production factors of raw materials, energy, packing, labor, freight;

Translation of financial report and financial statements from third country according to computing requirements of surrogate values;Translation of questionnaires of Department of Commerce and the responses;Interpretation service for on-site verification.

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