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On May 23, 2018, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) received a timely request for a semiannual new shipper review (NSR) from Jinxiang Infang Fruit & Vegetable Co., Ltd (Infang), in accordance with section 751(a)(2)(B)(i) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended. Commerce has determined that the request for a NSR of the antidumping duty order on Fresh Garlic from the People’s Republic of China (China) meets the statutory and regulatory requirements for initiation.As stated by Infang, the invoice and export date of the shipment was during the six-month POR, but the shipment entered the Unite...
发布时间: 2018 - 07 - 10
On February 20, 2018, the Department of Commerce initiated a countervailing duty (CVD) investigation of rubber bands from China; the period of investigation is from January 1, 2017, through December 31, 2017. On July 9, the Department of Commerce issues the affirmative preliminary result in Federal Register, preliminarily determines that the following estimated countervailable subsidy rates exist:CompanySubsidy rate(percent)Graceful Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd125.77Moyoung Trading Co., Ltd125.77Ningbo Syloon Imp & Exp Co., Ltd125.77All-Others125.77
发布时间: 2018 - 07 - 10
On January 11, 2018, pursuant to the request from Nucor, Commerce published a notice of initiation of an administrative review of the antidumping duty order on hot-rolled steel from China covering the period November 1, 2016, to October 31, 2017, for Baosteel, Shanghai Meishan Iron & Steel, and Union Steel China.The Department of Commerce finds preliminarily that Baosteel Group Corporation, Shanghai Baosteel International Economic & Trading Co., Ltd., Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Shanghai Meishan Iron & Steel, and Union Steel China have not demonstrated that they are separate ...
发布时间: 2018 - 07 - 02
The request was lodged on 5 March 2018 by the European Bicycle Manufacturer's Association (‘EBMA’ or ‘the applicant’) on behalf of EU bicycle producers representing more than 45 % of the total Union production of bicycles. The request is based on the grounds that the expiry of the measures would be likely to result in continuation or recurrence of dumping and injury to the Union industry.The product subject to this review is bicycles and other cycles (including delivery tricycles, but excluding unicycles), not motorised, falling within CN codes 8712 00 30 and ex 8712 00 70 (TARIC codes 871...
发布时间: 2018 - 06 - 30
The Department of Commerce published the notice of initiation of Countervailing Duty Determination on Large Diameter Welded Pipe from the People’s Republic of China on February 20, 2018 and published the affirmative preliminary determination on June 29, 2018. The large diameter welded pipe that is subject to this investigation is currently classifiable in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) under subheadings 7305.11.1030, 7305.11.1060, 7305.11.5000, 7305.12.1030, 7305.12.1060, 7305.12.5000, 7305.19.1030, 7305.19.1060, 7305.19.5000, 7305.31.4000, 7305.31.6010, 7305.31.60...
发布时间: 2018 - 06 - 30
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