Huamei Commercial Information Consulting Co., Ltd.  华美商贸信息咨询有限公司
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Business Scope Business Scope
Products Annual Administrative Review
發佈時間: 2018 - 04 - 18
Annual administrative review also known as interim review, as per the American laws, after a commodity is levied anti-dumping duties for a full year, the US Department of Commerce will review dumping margin of the levied commodity by covering the 12 months immediately preceding the anniversary month, with an exception of the first administrative review, which usually covers approximately an 18-mon...
發佈時間: 2018 - 04 - 18
New Shipper refers to exporters or producers from subject country or regions who did not export subject products to importing county during the period of original anti-dumping investigation, but they exported products to the importing country after the original anti-dumping measures coming into effect and applied to authorities from this importing country for reviewing the transactions and identif...
發佈時間: 2018 - 04 - 18
Changed circumstances reviews means circumstances at the time of adopting anti-dumping measures change after adoption of anti-dumping measures, Authorities shall conduct such reviews to decide whether continue or modify the anti-dumping measures.Huamei can representChinese exporters for responding to all questionnaires in the whole procedure, specially including:Submit review request; fill in and ...
發佈時間: 2018 - 04 - 18
On-site verification refers to foreign authorities assign commissioners to the exporting company or producing company to conduct on-site verification after receiving responses from exporter, the aim is to verify whether the responses are in line with the actual situation or not.Huamei can represent Chinese exporters for coping with the whole verifying process, specially including:Pr...
發佈時間: 2018 - 04 - 18
Clarify the investigation scope is to identity whether a specific product is covered by anti-dumping order; products not subject to the scope can be excluded by conducting such reviews. After US Department of Commerce issues anti-dumping orders on products from China, Many Chinese exporters may encounter chain problems, such as, uncertainty of whether his products should be covered by the scope or...
發佈時間: 2018 - 04 - 18
Sunset review also known as expiry review, these are reviews that the Authorities are required to undertake at five-year intervals with respect to outstanding countervailing duty and anti-dumping duty orders. Regulations of WTO Anti-dumping Agreement requires that countervailing duty and anti-dumping duty orders be revoked, and suspended investigations be terminated, within five years from the dat...
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