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Large Diameter Welded Pipe From China

Source: Huamei
Date: 2018-11-15
Page Views: 44

The Department of Commerce published the final affirmative results for LTFV investigation and countervailing duty investigation of large diameter welded pipe from China in Federal Register on November 14, 2018.

For LTFV investigation, DOC continued to find the companies which did not respond to requests for information to be part of the China-wide entity. Further, these companies, which comprise part of the China-wide entity, failed to provide necessary information, withheld requested information, significantly impeded this investigation, and did not cooperate in submitting the requested Q&V information, as detailed in the Preliminary Determination and accompanying Preliminary Decision Memorandum. Accordingly, DOC has applied facts otherwise available, with an adverse inference, As AFA, Commerce has assigned to the China-wide entity the rate of 132.63 percent.

For countervailing duty investigation, DOC found that the mandatory respondents in this investigation, Hefei Zijin Steel Tube Manufacturing Co., Hefei Ziking Steel Pipe, and Panyu Chu Kong Steel Pipe Co. Ltd., did not cooperate to the best of their abilities and, accordingly, we determined it appropriate to apply facts otherwise available with adverse inferences to these companies, with a subsidy rate of 198.49 percent. Commerce based the selection of the ‘‘All-Others’’ rate on the countervailable subsidy rate established for the mandatory respondents in this investigation, the following estimated countervailable subsidy rates exist:


Subsidy rate(%)

Hefei Zijin Steel Tube Manufacturing Co


Hefei Ziking Steel Pipe


Panyu Chu Kong Steel Pipe Co. Ltd




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